What is Cybercrime??...

The Oxford Reference Online explains cyber crime as crime committed in the Internet and using the computer.

The Encyclopedia Britannica defines cyber crime as any crime that is succeeded by means of special specialties or expert use of computer technology. So what exactly Cyber Crime is all about? Cyber crime could reasonably mean a different kind of crimes and internet abuse.

The Internet or Cyber Space as it sometimes known, is a borderless environment unlike a brick and mortar world and it also call globalisation. Even though it is indispensable as information and knowledge bank, it is a favourite tool for someone with a crimeful mind, who can utilize this environment for their maximum satisfaction.

It is not a surprise that Cyber Crimes like cyberterrorism, fraud, virus disseemenation, and other crimes are on the rise. Cyber Terrorist and cyber mafia are emerging with great force, whose activities are going to threaten the world and the internet.

Cyber crimes have been explained in further details in the next explaination.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Obsence and Offensive Content

The content of websites and other electronic communications may be indecent, obscene or offensive for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, these communications may be illegal.

Many jurisdictions restricts on certain speech and ban racist, blasphemous, politically subversive, libelous or slanderous, seditious, or inflammatory material that leads to incite hate crimes.

The extent to which these communications are illegal varies greatly between countries, and even nations. It is a sensitive area in which the courts can involved in arbitrating between groups with entrenched beliefs.

Blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin

has been arrested for the offensive contents

in his blog that creates polemic in this country.