What is Cybercrime??...

The Oxford Reference Online explains cyber crime as crime committed in the Internet and using the computer.

The Encyclopedia Britannica defines cyber crime as any crime that is succeeded by means of special specialties or expert use of computer technology. So what exactly Cyber Crime is all about? Cyber crime could reasonably mean a different kind of crimes and internet abuse.

The Internet or Cyber Space as it sometimes known, is a borderless environment unlike a brick and mortar world and it also call globalisation. Even though it is indispensable as information and knowledge bank, it is a favourite tool for someone with a crimeful mind, who can utilize this environment for their maximum satisfaction.

It is not a surprise that Cyber Crimes like cyberterrorism, fraud, virus disseemenation, and other crimes are on the rise. Cyber Terrorist and cyber mafia are emerging with great force, whose activities are going to threaten the world and the internet.

Cyber crimes have been explained in further details in the next explaination.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Computer Hacking

Computer hacking is the practice of altering computer software and hardware to complete a goal outside of the original purpose. People who involved in computer hacking activities are often called hackers. Since the word “hack” has long been used to describe someone who is incompetent at his/her profession, some hackers claim this term is indecent and fails to give appropriate recognition to their skills.

Computer hacking is popular among teenagers and young adults, although there are many oldies as well. Many hackers are true technology maniac who enjoy learning more about how computers work and consider computer hacking an “art” form. They often enjoy programming and have extraordinary skills in one particular program. For these individuals, computer hacking is a real life application of their problem-solving skills and also a chance to demonstrate their capacities, not an opportunity to harm others.

Since a large number of hackers are self-taught prodigies, some corporations actually hire computer hackers as part of their technical staff. These individuals use their abilities to find weaknesses in the company’s security system so that they can be repaired quickly. In many cases, this type of computer hacking helps prevent identity theft and other computer crimes.
In comparison to those who develop an interest in computer hacking out of simple intellectual curiosity, some hackers have less noble objectives. Hackers who are out to change a corporation’s financial data, break security codes to gain unauthorized network access, steal personal informations or conduct other destroying activities are sometimes called “crackers.”